Want to know what the Best Selling Items on Etsy Are?

How do you know if a design is likely to be popular?

Where do you find out want the current trending designs are?

It's actually very easy - and FREE!  - yes there is a free option.

It's easy to use, has very useful information, and

It's called Everbee.

Using this tool you can find what the best selling designs are now,  in any type of product or niche you want.

They use t-shirts as the main example here in this video, but this will work exactly the same way for any other product or theme that you are interested in.

Have a look at the video, then click the link below to try it out for yourself on the products you are interested in.

It's simple - on Etsy, just do a search for the product, and it will show you all the stats - how many have been sold this month, prices, searches, age of listing, revenue and lots more.

See this video now.

The following video has more info and starts with short instructions on how to install the extension on your Chrome Browser.

Click HERE for the Link the the App

click the button below to try it out for the products or theme that you want.